Fund Picker Tool

Which fund should I apply to?

Work through our six easy questions for some quick suggestions of where to start. You can also download our funds summary table - this provides a quick overview of each fund, so you can compare the different funds against one another. 

The questions

  1.  Are you based in the UK?
    • Yes: Go to question 2.
    • No: We only fund organisations or individuals who are based in the UK.
  2.  Are you a young person aged 18 -25 (or 18 -30 if you identify as Disabled) looking to make your ideas happen in the music industries?
  3.  Are you an organisation looking to support children and young people facing barriers to make, learn or earn in music?
    • Yes: Go to question 4.
    • No: Please visit our ‘I Need Funding’ page to see if you are the right fit for Youth Music funding.
  1.  Are you looking to deliver work in Scotland or Wales?
  • Yes: Currently we don't have funding available for work taking place in Scotland or Wales, but this may change in the future. Sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with new funding programmes. 
  • No: Go to question 5.

5.  Are you looking to deliver work in England?

  • Yes: Go to question 6.
  • No: Please visit our ‘I Need Funding’ page to see if you are the right fit for Youth Music funding.

6.  Are you an organisation looking to support children and young people aged 0-25 to make, learn or earn in music? Take a look at our Trailblazer Fund or our Catalyser Fund.