Fundraising Strategy

Youth Music's blog on unlocking fundraising success in 2024

  • Audience: Small non-profit organisations.

Blog outlining some practical tips and key steps to developing small organisations' fundraising potential.

Charity Fundraising Ltd’s fundraising strategy guide

  • Audience: Charities but relevant to other non-profit organisations.

Detailed guide on how to develop a fundraising strategy from Charity Fundraising Ltd.

Chartered Institute of Fundraising

  • Audience: Charities and other non-profit organisations.

Range of guidance and resources on how to develop a fundraising strategy. They have a video on developing a fundraising strategy which is a helpful place to start.

CultureHive’s effective fundraising strategy webinar

  • Audience: All non-profit organisations.

Detailed webinar supporting organisations to develop an effective fundraising strategy, a collaboration between Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy and CultureHive.

Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy

  • Audience: All non-profit organisations.

Advice, resources, and training on fundraising from Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy.

NCVO’s funding and income guides

  • Audience: All non-profit organisations.

NCVO’s funding and income hub, providing advice on finding grants, local funding and fundraising methods and strategies.

Showcase of funding innovation and inspiration

  • Audience: All non-profit organisations.

Website dedicated to providing information about innovative fundraising approaches and ideas. They have a wide range of case studies of arts and education organisations.


Nesta’s blog on matched crowdfunding

  • Audience: All organisations.

Blog explaining what matched crowdfunding is and how to get started from Nesta.

EasyFundraising’s guide to creating a winning Crowdfunding Strategy

  • Audience: All organisations.

A useful step by step guide to creating a successful crowdfunding campaign from Easy Fundraising.

UK Crowdfunding Association’s video guide to crowdfunding

  • Audience: All organisations

UK Crowdfunding Association’s straightforward video guide to crowdfunding, explaining what it is and how to get started.

Digital fundraising

Charity Digital’s guide to digital fundraising

  • Audience: Charities but relevant to other non-profit organisations.

Guidance on digital fundraising tools and trends, and how charities can use them.

Digital Candle’s free advice for charities

  • Audience: Charities.

Digital Candle offers charities a free one hour call with a digital expert. They can provide advice on any aspect of digital, including digital marketing and fundraising.

Further Resources

Big Give

  • Audience: Charities.

Big Give runs match funding campaigns for charities and special causes at key moments across the year. Explore their website for advice and resources as well as examples of successful campaigns.’s guide to claiming Gift Aid as a charity

  • Audience: Charities.

Overview of Gift Aid, what it is, how Gift Aid works and if you are eligible to claim for it.’s blog on applying for funding as a Community Interest Company  

  • Audience: Community Interest Companies.

In-depth guidance for Community Interest Companies around applying for funding and getting started.  

Fundraising Everywhere’s training and webinars

  • Audience: All non-profit organisations.

Free and affordable training and webinars on a wide range of fundraising topics.