This list of song books and websites has been compiled by early years music educators. Many thanks to all who kindly contributed and shared their favourite sources.

Please note that this list is not an endorsed list, we recommend that you look carefully at the content before purchasing to ensure that it is suitable for your practice.

Song books

101 Rhythm Instrument Activities for Young Children by Abigail Flesch Connors

A Little Birdsong - the definitive guide to music for young children by Emma Hutchinson

A Little Birdsong Book Two - All about animals and water! by Emma Hutchinson

A Little Birdsong Three - All about travelling and moving! by Emma Hutchinson

A Rhyme in Time: Rhythm, Speech Activities, and Improvisation for the Classroom by Doug Goodkin

All about the Great Outdoors - songs, poems and musical games for young children by Emma Hutchinson

Bingo Lingo: Supporting language development with songs and rhymes: Supporting Language Development Through Songs and Rhymes (Classroom Music) by Helen MacGregor and Peter Bailey

Blue Is the Sea: Music, Dance & Visual Arts by Sofia Lopez-Ibor

Bobby Shaftoe Clap Your Hands: Musical fun with new songs from old favorites by Sue Nicholls 

First Steps in Music for Infants & Toddlers: The Curriculum: Birth Through 36 Months by John M. Feierabend

Frantic Music Games - Early Years Foundation Stage: Imaginative Music Games for 3 - 5 Year Olds by Fran Carpenter

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton by James Harding  

Game-songs with Prof.Dogg's Troupe: 44 Songs and Games with Activities (Music Series) by Harriet Powell

I love music by Out of the Ark music

Ideas for Music (Springboards) by Belle Farmer

Inside Music Early Years Age: 0-5 yrs, A programme for teaching musical skills through singing by Katie Neilson

Kids Make Music, Babies Make Music, Too! Teacher's Guide (Babies - Age 7) by Lynn Kleiner and Cecilia Riddell 

Lively time Playsongs by Sheena Roberts

Michael Finnigin, Tap Your Chinigin: Developing music skills with new songs from old favourites by Sue Nicholls

Okki-Tokki-Unga: Action Songs For Children by Ana Sanderson, Beatrice Harrop and David McKee

Playsongs by Sheena Roberts

Songs for Early Years: Musical Activities for Early Childhood by Karen Eaves 

Singing Games and Rhymes for Early Years by Lucinda Geoghegan 

Singing Games and Rhymes for Tiny Tots by Lucinda Geoghegan 

Singing Sherlock by Shirley Court and Val Whitlock

Sleepy time Playsongs by Sheena Roberts

Sound Ideas: Activities for the Percussion Circle by Doug Goodkin  

Sparks series and Story Songs by Steve Grocott

Tam tam tambalay!: and other songs from around the world by Helen MacGregor

The Book of Bounces: Wonderful Songs and Rhymes Passed Down from Generation to Generation for Infants and Toddlers (First Steps in Music) by John M Feierabend

The Book of Tapping & Clapping: Wonderful Songs and Rhymes Passed Down from Generation to Generation for Infants and Toddlers (First Steps in Music) by John M Feierabend

The Book of Tapping & Clapping: Wonderful Songs and Rhymes Passed Down from Generation to Generation for Infants and Toddlers (First Steps in Music) by John M Feierabend

The Book of Wiggles & Tickles: Wonderful Songs and Rhymes Passed Down from Generation to Generation for Infants and Toddlers (First Steps in Music) by John M Feierabend

The Lion and the Unicorn - musical tales from the Little Birdsong Collection by Emma Hutchinson

This Little Puffin: A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes, Songs and Games by Elizabeth Matterson

Voiceplay by Linda Bance & Alison Street

Websites for songs

Further reading

Campbell, P.S., 1998.  Songs in their heads, Music and its meaning in children’s lives. New York: Oxford University Press.

Flohr, J.W. 2005. The Musical Lives of Young Children. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

Greenhalgh, Z. (2018). Music and Singing in the Early Years, A Guide to Singing with Young Children. Abingdon Oxon: Routledge.

Glover, J., 2000. Children Composing 4–14. London: Routledge Falmer

Huhtinen-Hildén, L. and Pitt, J. (2018). Taking a Learner-Centred Approach to Music Education, Pedagogical Pathways. Abingdon Oxon: Routledge.

Ilari, B. and Young, S. (2016). Children’s Home Musical Experiences across the world. Indiana: Indiana University Press

Malloch, S., & Trevarthen, C. (2009). (Eds.). Communicative musicality: Exploring the basis of human companionship. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Marsh, K. & Young, S., 2006. Musical Play. In G.E. McPherson, ed. The Child As Musician: A handbook of musical development. New York: Oxford University Press. 2006, pp. 289-310.

Moog, H., (1976). The Musical Experience of the Pre-school Child. Translated by Claudia Clarke. London: Schott.

Moorhead, G. E., and Pond, D. (1941). Music of young children: Pillsbury Foundation Studies. Santa Barbara, CA: Pillsbury Foundation for Advancement of Music Education

Pound, L. and Harrison, C., 2003. Supporting Musical Development in the Early Years. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Tafuri, J. 2008. Infant Musicality: New research for educators and parents. G. Welch, ed. Farnham: Ashgate.

Young, S., 2009. Music 3-5 (The Nursery World / Routledge Essential Guides for Early Years Practitioners). Abingdon: Routledge.

Young, S., 2006. Music with the under-fours. Oxfordshire: RoutledgeFalmer.

Young, S. and Glover, J., 1998. Music in the Early Years. London: The Falmer Press.

Young, S. (2018).  Critical new perspectives in early childhood music.  London: Routledge

Further information

British Kodaly Academy

Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC)

Certificate for Music Educators: Early Childhood:

Dalcroze UK

Early Childhood Music Education Commission (ECME)

European Network of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (EuNet MERYC)

Early Childhood (and Primary) Music Resources

Inspire Music

London Early Years Music Network

Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (MERYC)

Music Education Council

Music Mark

Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (MERYC)

Music House for Children

Note Weavers


Sage Gateshead


Sound Sense

Soundwaves Extra-Take Art