Breadcrumb Home News Volunteer Recruitment Volunteer recruitment Posted: 24/08/2022 Copy URL Volunteer recruitment Posted: 24/08/2022 Copy URL MUSICAL CONNECTIONS VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT: Quench Arts CIC is seeking to appoint 5 volunteers (aged 19+) to become a part of our Musical Connections Project support team. Musical Connections is a community music and wellbeing project and network for adults, using music as a tool to create positive change. Members are fully engaged in steering the project and bring with them a huge range of skills, interests and lived experience to the project’s benefit, describing themselves as a beautifully diverse and creative group where difference is celebrated and friendships formed through shared experiences and musical interests. Around 87% of our members are, or have been, mental health service users, with others having long-term health conditions, physical disabilities or sensory impairments affecting their mental health, mental and physical health being intrinsically linked. Members access a combination of one-to-one and group music making sessions encouraging both individual development and peer connection through engagement in group sessions, social activities and performance opportunities. The role of a volunteer within Musical Connections is to support the project in practical and creative ways, and to help with the interaction between participants. The hope is that the benefit is two way – the project is enriched by the unique contribution of each volunteer, whilst the volunteer gains valuable experience in working with and supporting a diverse and creative group of people in a participatory setting. We are seeking to recruit and train a team of 5 volunteers specifically to help support participants, primarily at Musical Connections monthly group sessions, which will be facilitated by our music leader team, and in Music Support Worker collaborative/band activities. Ideally, we would like to have 2 volunteers in attendance per group session so will train a team of 5 volunteers in order to accommodate volunteer availability, as we recognise that volunteers will have other commitments. Volunteers will receive appropriate training, support and guidance from Quench Arts. For more info and an application pack, please visit: Deadline is Sunday 4th September.