Breadcrumb Home News Tenors Wanted From Year 12 To Age 23 Tenors wanted from Year 12 to age 23 Posted: 21/02/2024 Copy URL Tenors wanted from Year 12 to age 23 Posted: 21/02/2024 Copy URL London Youth Choirs has three spaces for tenors in LYC Chamber Choir. This is an excellent opportunity for students, young professionals or early career musicians to receive exceptional musical training and performance opportunities, while receiving a termly stipend of £160 for travel and singing lesson expenses. Members of LYC Chamber Choir are among London’s best young choral singers, and represent the culmination of the training, experience and opportunities offered to all members of London Youth Choirs. We offer two kinds of membership: Full and Flexible, and there is no cost to being in LYC Chamber Choir. As well as a termly stipend, financial assistance is available to cover the cost of travel, concert uniform and some concert tickets. LYC Chamber Choir members attend weekly rehearsals and take part in regular concerts and performances, as well as some recordings for TV and radio, and workshops with guest musicians. They regularly sing with the other LYC choirs, and act as role models to the younger members, inspiring them to audition for the Chamber Choir in the future. Sign up for an audition by 12pm on 29th February. Find out more