Breadcrumb Home News NTDF Young Adult Music Workshop NTDF Young Adult Music Workshop Posted: 31/03/2023 Copy URL NTDF Young Adult Music Workshop Posted: 31/03/2023 Copy URL North Tyneside Disability Forum's young adults have been very creative these past few weeks. Not only have they been working on music improvisation, rhythm work, and song writing, but they have also made their own musical instruments! The instruments were created out of recycled materials like crisp tubes and cardboard boxes, as well as rice and masking and parcel tape. From a snare drum to shakers and rain sticks, the young people have explored and experimented and developed new skills. The instruments were not only super fun to make, they are super fun to play, and have acted as inspiration for the original song the young people have written for the big NTDF Over the Rainbow Show in May 2023! The young people have also worked on a sketch which they co-wrote with NTDF's musicality project worker, which will also be performed in the Show.