We are kick-starting 2022 with a busy, exciting and varied portfolio of projects and programmes in hospital and community settings including….

Our ongoing award-winning flagship Songbirds@RMCH music programme at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and acclaimed Sound Environments project in Critical Care, which is linked with Play Services and supported through generous funding from Manchester Foundation Charity and Youth Music.

We are mid-way through a pioneering project with prestigious funding from Innovate UK to research, develop and evaluate the use of a telepresence robot; ‘Jamie Moon’ as an interface for delivering enhanced remote live musical interaction.

In Spring 2022 we will restart our Songbirds@Salford programme of remote multi-sensory music sessions with families in the Salford community through support from Salford CVS and Salford City Council.

Throughout 2022 we will continue to deliver Songbirds Share, a professional and public engagement strand of work; chairing a Youth Music in Healthcare network, developing an immuno-suppressed musicians’ support network, our 4th Wingbeats music for health conference is planned for April 2022 and ongoing training programmes with medical, nursing and music students at Manchester Medical School, the Universities of Chester and Salford and the RNCM will take place during January to June 2022.

Go to our projects page on our website www.songbirdsmusic.uk/projects where you can learn more about individual Songbirds projects or email SMUK’s freelance Project Manager at katecatlingfreelance@gmail.com