
Please add the Youth Music logo to your website and to all official organisational communications that reference funders or partners e.g. annual reports, newsletter footers etc.

If you are not able to acknowledge us visually, via a logo, then the following written or verbal acknowledgement can be used instead: "Backed by Youth Music, thanks to players of People's Postcode Lottery".

Logo guidelines

We have one logo available in 3 colours (purple, light grey and charcoal).

  • Use the purple version on lighter backgrounds or imagery. If this isn't visible, you can use the charcoal version as an alternative.
  • Use the light grey version on darker colour backgrounds or imagery.

Please do not change the colour of the logos or stretch the logos out of proportion. 

If you require advice about using the Youth Music logo in a different format (e.g. for use in a video) please contact comms@youthmusic.org.uk

three youth music logos in different colourways
Download logos

Social media

Talking about your project on social media is one of the best ways to show the importance of investing in music for young people. Think about sharing photos, quotes, videos, resources and music – and don’t forget to tag us!

As a minimum, we expect you to celebrate your Recharge Fund award on social media. We’ve put together some images and suggested copy you can use in our toolkit below.

"we're backed by the youth music recharge fund"

Social media handles

Instagram: @youthmusicuk/

Facebook: @youthmusiccharity/

LinkedIn: Youth Music

TikTok: @youthmusic

Twitter: @youthmusic

Our funder also loves to see the incredible work you’re doing. Tag them:

People’s Postcode Lottery

Twitter: @PostcodeLottery

Instagram: @peoplespostcodelottery/

Facebook: @peoplespostcodelottery

If you share one thing...

Example Instagram copy: Proud to announce our organisation is being backed by @youthmusicuk @peoplespostcodelottery [add project details].

Download social media assets

Press Release

Your local media might be interested in this story. Try out our template press release here.

Download the template