
Project: Wired4Music, Luton

Hailing from Luton, Lavz is a standout creative force in a scene currently populated by a wave of similar artists. She carefully blends Hip-hop, R&B, soul and jazz, to create a unique and attention-grabbing sound. Her lyrics speak of truth in a relatable tone from a favoured & flawed person.

X (Twitter)

The Seeds of Wisdom

Featuring: Tristain Hehir

Released on: 20 August 2020

In My Way

Featuring: Toria Akin

Released on: 30 April 2020

G.T.K.U (Get To Know You)

Released on: 22 August 2019

In The Soup

Shot & Edited byTalarthur Media
Released on: 8 August 2019

Long Day

Director: Kristian Fitsall
DOP: Cody Leigh-Stannard
Production Design: Priscila Carvalho Vailones
Peculiar Project Scientist 1: Dan Burney
Peculiar Project Scientist 2: Maria Cole
Patient 1: Charity Muiruri
Patient 2: Iman Abel
Cover Art: Talarthur Media
Released on: 8 August 2019