Breadcrumb Home Dámì Sule Dámì Sule Copy URL Dámì Sule Copy URL Project: Rising Stars NW, ManchesterDámì Sule is a Nigerian-born singer and rapper living in Manchester. He started his music journey as a poet and spoken word artist in 2016 with performances in venues across Manchester. In 2017, he transitioned to music, creating his debut EP ‘Crayons’ which grabbed the attention listeners in London and Manchester with stations such Reprezent Radio, Radar and Unity Radio supporting the project.His latest EP, 'So Far, Still Going', was released in 2023. Instagram X (Twitter) Facebook Dámì Sule Do My BestStream/Buy Dámì Sule - Hide & SeekStream/Buy Dámì Sule - Rolling DeepStream/Buy Dámì Sule - Taking L'sStream/Buy Dámì Sule - With YouStream/Buy