Breadcrumb Home Acknowledgements Copy URL Acknowledgements Musical Development Matters in Early Years Copy URL Acknowledgements Musical Development Matters in Early Years The realisation of Musical Development Matters has been enabled by an important and significant project within the Early Childhood Music community, Tri-Music Together (TMT).TMT was a project initiated by the Tri-borough Music Hub (TBMH) and realised through the Tri-borough Early Years Music Consortium (TBEYMC). Massive thanks to Stuart Whatmore, Head of TBMH and to the partner organisations of the TBEYMC for their passion, commitment, honesty, enthusiasm and vision.Very special thanks need to be given to Dr. Jessica Pitt. Jess was the evaluator of the TMT project but offered much, much more than her evaluative skills. Jess offered me professional and critical support throughout the TMT project and throughout the creation of Musical Development Matters. Huge, heartfelt thanks Jess.Many thanks to Youth Music for core funding the TMT project and for creating and hosting this online resource. Huge thank you to Early Education who have published Musical Development Matters. Thank you to Early Education Associates Nancy Stewart and Helen Moylett for their support, enthusiasm and encouragement. Many passionate, committed people and organisations were involved to support and pilot the Musical Development Matters guidance. Sincere thanks need to be given to the following who made this guidance possible: those involved in Tri-Music Together, early years educators from settings in Barking & Dagenham, Birmingham, Camden and Warwickshire.Huge thanks to all the organisations featured below, as well as Creative Futures, the Royal College of Music, York Rise Nursery School, Take Art and TMT participants for providing images and film footage.Last and not least, a huge thank you to my family who have supported me on this amazing journey these last 2 years.Heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you all for making this possible,Nicola Burke Arts Connect Camden Integrated Early Years Service The Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) Take Art Musical Development Matters in the Early Years Explore our free resources for early years music education, to help support children's musical development Read more
Musical Development Matters in the Early Years Explore our free resources for early years music education, to help support children's musical development Read more